

We are a Christian faith community who gathers to celebrate God’s love and grace shared with us through Jesus Christ, which we in turn share with one another with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. In God’s love, we experience ever-transforming lives through which we seek to develop a deeper relationship with God and our neighbors.


As a congregation of the United Church of Christ, we believe that each person is loved and invited by God to share in the community of Jesus Christ.

“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you’re welcome here!”

Join us for worship on Sundays at 9:30 AM!

If you are sick, away, or new to our community, please watch the worship service online on our YouTube Channel!

Also, visit our Facebook Page!

Northwest Hills Church, United Church of Christ

9334 Fort Street

Omaha, Nebraska 68134-1734

Phone: (402) 572-8392